The entrance to the villa consists of an elongated body of cottages on two floors and leads into the main courtyard surrounded by buildings. On the right side, rustic, was once used as services (stables, housing for the farmers, stables, etc.). On the bottom, the Master's House also called "Riposteria"from the 15th century with a rectangular plan, which is the oldest part of the complex. Built on two floors, it features a portico architrave supported by granite columns arranged in pairs and a room with circular niches at the corners, called "Round of Mercury" (the deity portrayed on the ceiling), which leads to rooms that present frescoes on the walls and on the vaults of the late 16th century Lombardy. The vault’s frescoes, detached in the early '70s, have been restored and replaced.
On the left side of the courtyard, the majestic 18th century building, commissioned by Giulio Visconti Borromeo Arese in 1720, built in exposed bricks, also called "quarto nuovo", spread over three floors, with an arcade with three arches and three groups of columns in granite. Inside the building are large rooms that well highlight the recreational function of the Villa. On the ground floor most of the halls have frescoed ceilings, while the first floor is characterized by the great Hall of Music, with beautiful wrought iron balconies for musicians, supported by impressive telamons and plaster decorations by Donato Carabelli.